riyadh medical services

About Us

About Us

Who We Are?

AlRiyadh Medical Services Co.

AlRiyadh Medical Services Co. is one of the top 10 Medical companies in Saudi Arabia Specialized in ophthalmic. AlRiyadh Medical Services Co. is one of the top 10 Medical companies in Saudi Arabia Specialized in ophthalmic.
All medical services are provided with the latest devices and technologies in the market for all companies and government and private sectors such as government hospitals, private hospitals, the Ministry of Health and others.
Al-Riyadh Company established on 2012, also considered one of the young companies that possess sufficient energy to achieve success and satisfy customers.


Riyadh Medical Services Company

Riyadh Medical Services is one of the major medical established companies in Saudi Arabia, especially in Medical, Optometry and Ophthalmic sectors. We uniquely placed to meet the specialized needs of our customers. We do insist to offer our customers our 3 advantages

Best quality

Best service

Best Prices

We offer a vast range of Contact lenses

We offer a vast range of Contact lenses, for all irregular corneal including Keratoconus, ophthalmic instruments, and equipment for both diagnostics and research, as well as Medical & Scientific Laboratories equipment.

Serve various Health and Research Institutes

We serve various Health and Research Institutes, Universities, Ministry of Health and Private Clinics and Hospitals, by providing pre-and post-sales service for various devices and equipment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We have developed an outstanding reputation and close relation with our valued customers by providing prompt services with cutting edge technology products and services.

Supplied equipment and devices

We have supplied equipment and devices to many institutions of repute in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; we currently are in the process of acquiring few more international liaison/dealership for the promotion of products in this part of the world.

A Single Platform

Combining our commercial disciplines

Combining our wide range of commercial disciplines into a single platform brings together a wealth of specialized Technical Sales & Services from our professional team who constantly keep themselves with the latest technology by having a close association with the leading worldwide reputed companies.

Our Location

Our headquarters located in Riyadh central of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia having an office in Jeddah to serve south and west of the Kingdom. Our multifaceted activities in supplying ophthalmology and Optometry devices, special contact lenses, and lab equipment, our company employs are multi-nationals workforce; they are companies' most valuable asset. We give as a matter of policy, special importance to constantly improve its employee’s performance by frequently training programs for both Sales & servicing.
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Where you can relax and enjoy life

Lotus spa center is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know hospitality very well.
Brenda Greene
San Francisco

Donec tortor, pellentesque nibh sit lorem commodo sapien lorem aliquam arcu convallis vitae nunc consectetur placerat aliquet elit vulputate tortor ultrices blandit gravida.

Nunc ultrices urna nunc elit aliquet lectus mauris ultrices tellus volutpat porta leo tellus sagittis, aliquet volutpat morbi aliquet congue vel suscipit est pulvinar ac tristique nullam phasellus mattis vel ipsum tristique ultrices purus volutpat vitae sed vitae nam leo.

Interdum porttitor cras ut at nisl sit odio neque dictum in vulputate diam diam eget dapibus.


Mi vitae duis vel consequat netus condimentum hendrerit malesuada netus ornare urna.


Dolor pretium duis sit turpis congue sed tortor molestie condimentum adipiscing.


Pulvinar lectus viverra sit donec eget faucibus tristique dui velit consequat.

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Venenatis nibh vel arcu dui et dictum tristique dis tortor eget quis nullam congue massa lorem ante dictum eu vel commodo quis nunc

Joan Alexandra

At risus ultrices aliquet feugiat varius suspendisse diam ut amet sed ornare vivamus arcu est porta aenean fringilla sed enim

Emily Johansson

Mattis consectetur nunc elit, eget libero pharetra, risus pellentesque vulputate vitae pellentesque vel cursus nisi.

Laura Kyle

Blandit pellentesque congue elementum, sem enim lorem aliquet placerat ullamcorper rutrum ipsum morbi ultricies elementum.

Lotus spa center is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know hospitality very well. Even the spa & massage is extremely soothing. Rates are also pretty reasonable.
Brenda Greene
San Francisco